Money and Fun With a Band


VÚB banka

This course is freely available at the following link:

Money and Fun With a Band


VÚB banka

This course is freely available at the following link:

Digital learning game The Capitals

We have prepared a unique online game on financial education for children. Tom, the main protagonist of the course, dreams about founding a successful music band. In the game, Tom faces various challenges where he needs to solve financial issues to make his dream come true. The game consists of many fun exercises through which children learn to faster understand individual financial questions.

Digital learning game The Capitals

We have prepared a unique online game on financial education for children. Tom, the main protagonist of the course, dreams about founding a successful music band. In the game, Tom faces various challenges where he needs to solve financial issues to make his dream come true. The game consists of many fun exercises through which children learn to faster understand individual financial questions.